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*A picture of angels drawn after an 8 year old girls crystal session. Notice the dog angel.


It makes me feel like angels are holding me. - 7 year old boy


Jen did an energy cleansing on my home recently. Shortly after the death of a relative, I was suffering from insomnia and depression. Additionally, my child was having nightmares and reporting strange occurrences. The energy felt fantastic after she left and sleep improved dramatically in my home. In a matter of weeks since I have received a new, wonderful job suited to my schedule, I feel more balanced than I have been in years. I believe the clearing helped my family transition through the difficult period and open up a pathway to these new opportunities. I feel very blessed. God is Good! - A nurse with a new life

Thank you, Jen. I have been pain free since my crystal appointment last week. I will be back soon. - Female with 12 year old Fibromyalgia diagnosis

So, I had surgery on my vocal chords years ago and was no longer able to sing. During my crystal bed appointment, I heard a voice tell me to open my mouth. They fixed my vocal chords. I can sing again. - New church choir member
*Client later reported solo singing performances with the local orchestra for company events.

Distance Healing Request.
Jen's texts are yellow
Client's texts are blue


Your expression is so elegant and pure. It’s been so beautiful to see you emerge from the shadows and truly shine. I hope you can look in the mirror and smile, knowing that you have touched so many lives with your presence, your honesty and your humor. I feel so honored that you took the time to support me. It was a very powerful experience and a catalyst for my growth over the past few months. I am so grateful....JN

I felt an instant connection with you. We have an unspoken communication that is just so clear and understood. You make a fantastic teacher. You are such a compassionate and empathic communicator. You continue to impress me with every interaction. You are so gentle with your teaching and your tone is just so welcoming for any new student. And your smile - even hidden below your hat, lights up the room. You sacrifice yourself in order to take care of others – the sign of a natural healer....SH


You have such an intense beautiful aura surrounding you. Your smile is so kind and your heart is so loving and generous. You radiate from within. I am so intrigued by the TCM connections you shared and I just wanted to learn so much more from you. You have a way with words that is just exquisite and I appreciated you....KN


You are such a beautiful and graceful performer. Your communication with movement is so powerful. It’s no wonder that massage is such an innate talent. You are a strong focused leader, and you communicate so clear and direct. You have the ability to reach students using different learning styles. I appreciated a lot of the visual learning techniques you used throughout the session. I’m impressed with your technical precision and your knowledge of how the physical body works. Thank you so much for sharing so much knowledge....CA

When I watch you, I think of water. Your movements are so graceful, so fluid.  The openness of your heart and self mimic your physical presence. I am reminded of images from Energy Artist, Julia Watkins. Phenomenal movements and principles resonate with you - a beautiful, magical being. I hope you take great pride in knowing that you played an intricate part in the growth and development of all students. You’ve helped us become masterful by supporting us with such a strong foundation. Much like a fossil, you’re essence will be preserved in the core of our work.....CD

You have such a loving and nurturing spirit. It was an honor serving as your student for the course. When we first met, it was like meeting my fairy godmother. I felt so much support and encouragement from you throughout, even from a distance. You come into every session with such creativity and enthusiasm.  It’s such a joy to work with you....BA 


When I first began to work with you, I had no idea you were a TA. I was absolutely shocked because of my observations of you in class. You are a true leader and when I look at you, I envision a Shaman; a great leader and teacher. You have so much to share and to teach the world....GG 

You have such a powerful presence.  I was so excited when I found out I would be getting to know you better and I’m so glad that I did. You have such a quiet strength while practicing bodywork. Your essence of dance and play make it so easy to watch you work. You relate with others on such a deep level, with so much honesty, wholeness and love. I feel your playfulness and creativity make you unique as a teacher. It makes you approachable and puts students at ease.  I’m also so impressed with how incredibly connected you are to spirit, especially with how difficult it can be to maintain a feeling of attunement during times of stress and uncertainty....SV


I am so impressed with your body connection and your knowledge of the energetic aspects of the body. I saw you as a master teacher from the beginning. You have such an attunement to others needs and you were always there to make a difference....SE


Your complete honesty and vulnerability was inspiring. I’ve enjoyed your enthusiasm, you humor and your realism. What a beautiful being you are! I am so blessed to have the opportunity to work with you!...TW

I wish to attend the meditation circle…and now my brother is fighting for his life with an incurable liver cancer.
Hi Jennifer:  You won’t believe this.  My brother is improving.  He is now off his…and is independent.  Mom says he sounds better.  Thanks for praying for him.  God Bless.

I didn’t experience anything noticeable or significant during my first crystal healing meditation circle; but I have not had any Fibromyalgia pain since attending the session. I don’t know what happened, but it seems to work and that is why I’ve returned.

Dear Jennifer,
THANK YOU, for having the meditation circle!  I loved it!  It was the first time I had success keeping my mind on myself and what I was trying to do, instead of wondering if I was doing it right, etc. etc. etc. as has happened when I have tried a few other things in the past.

I felt your genuineness right off, you made it easy to relax and focus, thank you so much for being you!  I also was very excited that the cards and stones were right on. They were very apropos. It added to the special feeling that I was meant to be there.  I'll look forward to next time!


Thank you for hosting the meditation circle. I really felt such peace during the crystal light meditation. I did feel certain physical sensations during the experience along with the feeling of love. I have been having pain in my hips and I felt lightness. My hips seem to feel better.


I just wanted to tell you how much your support and willingness to listen and love means to me. So Thank You! Please know how much your grace and loving heart have transformed my experience. The light of your soul shines out your eyes and in your touch. Thank you for everything!...ML


Dearest Jen~ I feel honored and graced to have been able to share the experience of this past weekend with you. You are an exceptional healer and your energy and presence is remarkable. I smile when I look at your photo and look forward to our next connection....ER

I thank you. The day after the event I noticed that my hammer toes were not as curled and tight. How strange. My toes were the last thing on my mind that day. I think I will join you again.

Thank You Jennifer!  I have noticed that I have more energy this week.

Thanks, Jennifer. Each time I find it a great experience.

Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for your kind wishes, a smile spread across my face when I read  what you wrote following our session.

I just wanted to thank you for adjusting your schedule to accommodate my request for a session yesterday on such a short notice. I really appreciate your courtesy and professionalism.

My massage session was an absolutely wonderful experience. You definitely did relieve all of the muscle tension from my back, neck and limbs. I was so relaxed at one point during the session that I actually started to drift off into a peaceful slumber. You have an amazing healing touch and you are a very talented and gifted CMT!

I was going to surprise my wife with the gift certificate; however, I could not wait to tell her about my experience and encourage her to schedule a session with you ASAP.

Again, many thanks! I will be looking forward to another fantastic tension and stress relieving session with you in the not too distant future....RJ

My massage was outstanding! My back muscles were so tight; I hadn't been able to crack my back for months. After your massage, I went home and it did it all on its own!! I hadn't slept so well in such a long time. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!....WR

Jennifer does an amazing job at making me feel comfortable and relaxed during every session. I continue to fall into a deep sleep and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world....KM

Jen has a great awareness of the body. She always knows were to find tension and how to relieve it... even in places I didn't know were tense....JJ

Jennifer has a wonderful sense of touch and excellent deep pressure techniques. She is very confident and thorough....BK

It was the best massage I have ever had. I would recommend Jennifer to everyone I know.....MS

Jen's hands are always extremely warm. You can even feel the heat radiating from them. They're like magic healing hands....LZ

Thank you so much for the massage. I definitely will call you again. My body feels very good and refreshed. Thanks again....JM

Thank you so much for your willingness [to work with us] and your terrific attitude - I have received nothing but wonderful comments about you!...MG

...not only are you helping them to relax but you are opening a new way for them to find relief....MG

Thanks so much for your work and enthusiasm!! You are terrific!....MG

Just wanted to give you some feedback I received from one of the managers over at Customer Service. She had a chair massage with you today and was TOTALLY THRILLED! She thought you were great and said she is sold on the value of massage now! So, thank you so much for your wonderful work....MG

Thanks for the great feedback - Jennifer is awesome! Glad you enjoyed your massage....MG

Last Friday we had a Massage Therapist [Jennifer Davies] provided by the Center for Complimentary Medicine do chair massages in our department. It was a wonderful treat. The therapist was excellent....CR

Many thanks to you...Thank, thank you, thank you so very much for giving us such a special treat with the chair massages. I hope we got the word out today of your services....PM